Authentication and Access Control

Authentication in this days is not only having a password, today in a distributed client server a user might have several client programs running on her desktop which access server programs uses remote computers across a network and in such environment, the server must authenticate the client run on behalf of a legitimate user.

Modern computer systems provide services to multiple users and require the ability to accurately identify the user making a request. From services like banks or assurance, is not enough to verify a given password because in a network, its a package that can be intercepted and subsequently used to impersonate a user. Nowadays, servers save the behaviour of the users and can detect an abnormal state in the way a person interacts with the system and can activate a flag that it may be an attacker.

Also now the cryptography is an essential tool in the network communication because it can be a intercepted package, but if you dont have the acces key or the security key, you won't be able to read or interprate the package.


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