Encrypt your device

The software I used to encrypt a usb was Veracript (https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/). This software is a multi-platform fork of Truecrypt and open-source.

In this blog we will follow the instructions in the VeraCrypt documentation.

  1. Download VeraCrypt
  2. Click on the 'Create New Volume'
  3. Select the 'Create and encrypted file container' and then click 'Next'
  4. Select the 'Standard Installation' in the type of installations 
  5. In the 'Volume Location' window, select where you cant to put your encrypted folder and select 'Next'
  6. Select an encryption algorithm, in this case we will select AES and for 'Hash Algorithm' we selected SHA-512, then click 'Next'
  7. Choose the volume size, then 'Next'
  8. Write a password
  9. Select a file system, we selected FAT, for cluster 'Default' and unchecked the 'dynamic' option. Then click in the 'Format' button
  10. Then, click 'Finish'
  11. Finally, click 'Mount' with the partition created selected and we are done.

This process can be useful when you need to have some information secured in a partition or in a external device. 

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QJQ2syf90w
2) https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/encryption-and-cyber-security-for-mobile-electronic-communication-devices


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